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Enhancements to our telephone system

Dear patients,

We are pleased to announce some significant enhancements to our telephone system which will be going live over the next 2 weeks.

The enhancements include:

  • A callback facility whereby patients will be given the option for the Practice to call them back as opposed to waiting in a call queue. The callback will take place at the same time that

the call would have been answered had the patient opted to remain in the call queue.

        – Telephone lines (via an automated system) for patients requesting GP appointments/getting help for a health condition will open at the same time as our online forms, which is 6.30am on 

           weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays).

  • Telephone access (via an automated system) available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, available for patients to check times/dates of their pre booked appointments, cancel appointments and request their repeat prescriptions.

The use of these automated facilities are expected to significantly improve the access our patients have to the Practice, especially those patients who do not have online access, or find accessing online services challenging.  The new facilities will also reduce telephone call waiting times and allow our Reception and Dispensary teams more time to focus on patients with more complex requests who need to speak to a member of Practice staff. 

We anticipate that these services will all be live and operational by 5th December 2024.

We hope that you find these enhanced services helpful.